

 I am creating this blog to highlight my financial journey . Ever since I was young (I bought my first stock at 15 which I have to write a post about) I have been intrigued by finance and the stock market. I am continually learning from reading other financial blogs, finance books, and listening to podcasts. I would like to share my journey with others so they can see what I have learned as well.  As a side note, I would like to keep this blog anonymous for a very important reason. I strongly believing in sharing with others and that is why I am creating this blog which is also why I think financial blogs like this one should be anonymous. I remember listening to one of the financial podcasts I listen to weekly (I can't remember which one) and the host asked the guest about his current portfolio. The guest replied that is personal hence the reason why it's called personal finance. For some reason this stuck out to me for two reasons. 1.) the guest was absolutely right. I think